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St Jean de Luz, cité des marins et des corsaires

Port de pêche ancestral, on le quittait pour aller pêcher la morue au XVe siècle, mais aussi la baleine vers les bancs de Terre Neuve 🐋

Aujourd'hui, on y pêche l’anchois, le thon et le merlu. 🐟 Le merlu de ligne est une pêche artisanale qui se pratique à bord d'un ligneur (petit bateau équipé de lignes à hameçons) qui privilégie la sélection qualitative plutôt que quantitative.

Au XVIIe siècle, St Jean de Luz était aussi la ville des Corsaires. 💥 L'un des plus célèbres est sans nul doute Coursic, corsaire bayonnais d’un tempérament fougueux, qui terrorisait les marins espagnols, anglais et hollandais. Il captura à lui seul plus de cent navires.

Le port de St Jean de Luz représente aujourd'hui une véritable économie pour le Pays Basque, avec plus de 600 emplois et environ 10 000 tonnes de poissons d'une centaine d'espèces différentes débarquées et commercialisées à la criée tous les ans. Il est possible d'acheter du merlu de ligne au marché couvert de St Jean de Luz, ouvert tous les matins.

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Meet the locals !

Janet Ruby, Melbourne

In 6 years of studying French, I haven’t had a better learning experience. There is really nothing like learning French in context.  In the Pays Basque this includes 101 ways to talk about the weather!

I was interested in culture and nature, so Sarah proposed a program based around visits to villages with historical and contemporary signifiance, as well as exploration of the countryside. The Pays Basque region of France is indeed very beautiful and fascinating.

Sarah is very warm, welcoming and an easy-going host. She was enthusiastic for my success, and is a passionate and highly skilled teacher. She is creative and responsive, and rapidly adapted her lessons and our activities to my strengths and weaknesses. As a result we made extra visits to sites where I could benefit from a guided tour in French and Sarah made sure I understood the jokes! The program was enriched with many unplanned visits and impromptu activities, based around my interests. These included cultural museums, a concert and even a spin through an Emmaüs centre as I was interested in the story of l’abbé Pierre.

My immersion in French language and all things Basque with Sarah was both enjoyable and enriching. It exceeded my expectations in improving my grasp of the spoken language. I recommend an immersion with Sarah in the strongest terms if you want to improve your confidence in French, immerse yourself in French culture and have fun at the same time.

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